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Sunday, June 14, 2009


We all have a voice inside us that will guide us. It may be God. But if we shut out all the noise, clutter from our lives and listen to it, it will tell us the right thing to do............Christopher Reeve


Recession is in the mind:

It is only our strengths and our own generosity that makes our individual world beautiful.

A fairy tail comes true only when we become the hero rather then the victim, waiting for the rescue. The biggest, most meaningful discovery is that our lives can change only when we realize that each of us is the creator of our own world. People and situations are there because we have put them there. We sustain them. They feed on our energy. If we turn our back on them, they cease to exist.

The world is a reflection of our choices. If we love, we will receive love; if we are respectful of others, we too will be respected. It is pitiful to seek solutions to life's crises from those who themselves are troubled and confused. If astrologers and self styled mystics could fix our lives, would they not fix their own?

This, of course, is not true of all mystics and saints. Millions of people continue to seek the spiritual wisdom of long-departed saints such as Kabir, Sai Baba of Shirdi, Bhagwan Nityananda and others who never owned anything and yet continue to give endlessly of themselves.

Magically, the number of devotees at Shirdi, where Sai Baba used to live, or Ganeshpuri, Bhagwan Nityanandda's ashram continue to swell despite the fact that Sai Baba left his body in 1918 and Bhagwan Nityananda left his in 1961. There is no adequate explanation for the potent and baffling mysticism that makes this possible.

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