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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Life after Death.....................

We are sent to this earth in circumstances which are beyond our control i.e. our family, country and city...........Then starts that process which ultimately decides how we will leave this world...........Again it is a set of circumstances initially, when we are so helpless and depend on our elders/senior people who take decisions on our behalf...................It is frustrating sometimes and we long for freedom to execute our own choices and we wait for that time.........................and when that happens (language has word for it, maturity), we long to go back to that carefree time when it is easy to escape from any kind of responsibility for our actions.................but yes, some people are fortunate/unfortunate to enjoy that carefree life till it all ends.......they say sometimes it is only our numbers i.e. years/age which increases while our mind or heart remains like a child and then the problem arises............I can find some behavioral characteristics which can support such kind of cases like possessiveness, jealousy, hatred, ego, anger, impulsive behavior etc.......and worst part of this is when we find it difficult to acknowledge that we still need time to reach that mature state where we can see situations/circumstances from an unbiased/detached point of view...........we are so sure of ourselves and nothing can force us to behave otherwise....this limited growth is the reason of all our problems, I guess.........When I see some old seniors, I get impressed with their approach towards looking at problems..........I think why I could not look at it that way..............Is it necessary to go through this long and slow process to reach that "mature" state................ Is it the law of nature that everybody has to go through innumerable sour and sweet experiences of evolution and then when you think you are ready, you get His call and then is the time to say Goodbye to this world..............Yes, I know a number of people who seem to do so well in a particular area of life so early that we think they have reached that state, but everybody does mistakes and it is impossible not to regret..................But even after if we can reach that maturity before we die, it is an achievement I guess..........Very few "souls" can do that............and they are the people whose magnetism keeps attracting millions of people towards their views even when they leave.............two important personalities which I revere are "Swami Vivekananda" and then Baba, "Saibaba of Shirdi"..............I always wonder why we get attracted to them while they were also sent to this world just like is perhaps because they left this world differently and their views and actions still inspire and teach us......................and yes these are the examples of "lives after death"........................

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