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Monday, August 31, 2009

Purpose of life is to live enlightenment..... Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Every moment, the choices you have in life from Existence are actually infinite. Existence is like the mother who waits expectantly, longingly for her little child just learning to take the first steps in this world. She is waiting for you to learn to live life in the best way — live enlightenment. She is waiting eagerly for you to open her gift of life.

She wants to see that joy and surprise on your face when you discover your gift and enjoy it — by living enlightenment.
God designed this world with only one purpose — to make you experience His love. All He wants to see is a smile on your face, a blissful overflowing in your being, as you enjoy these wonderful gifts He has made just for you. There is no other purpose to life. It is a straight and simple universe inviting you to play with it, flirt with it, and experience the joy of pure romance with it.

You are not an accident; you are an incident. You are a conscious miracle of Existence. Life is not a forced happening you have to go through. Life is a living vibrant partner, playing an exciting game, a mysterious adventure that opens out new vistas in front of you every second.

Understand, whenever you think life is throwing surprises at you, life wants to understand you. It is curious to know about you, just like a naughty little kid constantly playing with you and teasing you. It just says, ‘If I talk like this, what will you do? If I do this, what will you do?’ What you call difficult situations or people are just the naughty yet innocent pranks of the little child — sometimes running into your arms, sometimes pinching your cheek and running away, sometimes angry because you did not appreciate its innocent act.

Life is your partner. It is asking you, ‘If I present myself like this in front of you, what will you do?’ Just enjoy this pure romance, delicate as a rose yet strong. This is not the dead strength of a rock, it is the vibrant strength of life — it can express in infinite dimensions this moment yet the very next moment it may not even be alive. Life is just like that — intensely alive and bubbling, unaffected by what can happen the very next moment.

Every moment is a gift from the Divine — the only way to pay your gratitude for the gift is to be intensely alive in this moment, to live enlightenment. The expression of living enlightenment is experiencing complete fulfilment. You are just overflowing within yourself, so you don’t need anything more. This is the natural state in which every single human being is designed to live....... Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Monday, August 24, 2009

The price you pay..............

They say "it is only lonely at the top"..........yeah true..........but does that mean we should always try to be surrounded by people for the fear of being left alone, while other find it difficult to connect with you because of your position...........and it may be possible your intrinsic nature propels you to be more comfortable with yourself than anybody else.......also sometimes culprits are your goals and dreams which make you too busy that when you have time, nobody remains there who can share that joy with you...............but actually what are these dreams? don't you think, being happy with whatever we have and what we want to do with rest of our life is the best dream (it is difficult to be happy about your present and future simultaneously.....a difficult goal........I guess).........and our aim should be to be happy perpetually.......everyday and every moment.........and we need to see how it is possible while taking into consideration our nature............what is it that makes me truly spending time with friends/family make me happy or doing my work................or both depending on the needs.........and is switching between the two so smooth or is it difficult.........means whether your loved ones are able to appreciate your business with your work and they are always there with open arms to welcome you without letting you feel guilty about being busy..............I feel very few will appreciate/understand this need of belonging to them............I'm fortunate to have my sisters.......yes, many times it becomes important to clarify your case, but they are very trivial issues...........a strong relationship requires a strong foundation, and once you know that it is there then it is just a small repair work that is needed now and then...............after all, like any other perishable thing in this world, relationships have their own requirements and needs continuous nourishment to remain healthy...........but roots should be deep.................and having just a single strong relationship is good enough to lead a good life..........isn't it?.........particularly, when you know your most valuable asset is your time and you want to be spare with its use........I think that emotional security which comes along with this, is all worth it.........and that seems to be a small price you pay to escape that dreaded loneliness while chasing your dreams.............