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Monday, February 16, 2009

"This is my life"

There is enough for everybody here. We only need to find out what is it that is meant for us. Different things motivate different people. Except basic necessities which are common for all, every individual is driven by his/her own needs,which are dynamic. As a child I used to get fascinated by everything which was new to me, which I never tried earlier. But today, I am more focussed. I know even distractions sap energy. While it is important to remain curious like a child, even more important is to understand what to overlook. I always feel I'm not doing enough. I'm not using my capabilities properly. I need to take charge of my life. As my friend often tells me: " Take it into your stride." Don't let others control you. But I find it difficult to isolate myself from the environment where I live and work. and therefore I usually carried away by trivial things. I know just one passion is enough to lead a fulfilled life. But finding that passion which is in agreement with our temperament is the most challenging job. Once we know that yes this is what I would like to do with my life, then I need to look for the environment where I can pursue my dreams, knowing that it is there: a like-minded group of people. and till then, I should not stop.......I should keep looking...........while taking charge of my life........

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