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Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Recently, I read an article in the newspaper where the differences between young and old people were discussed. In such discussions, very first point which crosses anybody's mind is the energy, passion and enthusiasm of one while maturity of the other.they say that "proper" guidance is the most important factor in determining one's success. I do agree here since I myself have realized many times that we can never beat experience. We may be better than our seniors if we compare with them when they were of our age(that too due to different circumstances). But an age gap of say 20-30 years and the experience associated with it, is just incomparable. If we just see our own life or thinking after each day, we will understand that how each day adds to our understanding of life. Even sometimes life seems to be monotonous, but actually it is not. Everyday it an opportunity to learn. But story doesn't end here. Sometimes I feel seniors just try to over power us taking advantage of their so called Experience. A good senior will give an understanding hearing to younger people, convince them about the limitations which their optimistic eyes can't see. I feel I'm a rebel in this sense . People find it difficult to convince me. But, to be honest, I met some really good old people( say 4-5) who really influenced my life, by influencing my thinking, ofcourse. If I look back today, I feel how they could even tolerate me. I always used to argue. Sometimes I felt it would have been better, if I could have restrained myself. But otherwise how I could have learned those priceless ideas. Now I'm changed a lot. I'm turning into a good listener. I may not agree to everything whatever they say, but yes I now take care that they are not hurt. I still remember my arguing with my most respectable senior, Murti sir. You know once he felt so helpless and told me:"Let us agree to disagree". Whenever I remember this wonderful line, I feel blessed to know such kind of "Experienced" people.Yes experience does matter..............I feel many will agree with me and my "Experience." The institutions where debates, discussions and other ways of promoting ideas are welcomed, can contribute to world progress in a way which is difficult to descibe in world. Look back in history, if you lack "experience" or make a history, if you are still "inexperienced."

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What makes them so special........................................

What is it that takes them to a place where others can't reach? Today everybody wants to achieve whatever goals he/she sets for him/herself. For some their personal life is the first priority, for others it it is career and some take the middle path. You talk to anybody today and you will know that most of the people are trying hard to realize their dreams and we find it hard to ignore the fact that even just surviving is a struggle. It takes guts to live a "Normal" life and then I'm talking about realizing dreams. Do we need to think twice before setting ourselves on the path leading to our dreams? If answer is yes, then why we call them dreams. Dreams by definitions are far from reality. but reality is the outcome of courage of a dreamer. Am I really making any sense? Perhaps yes to those who are still alive and no to those who have lived their life even before dying. Many will say, come on, nidhi, be practical, let us face the reality and find out what is possible and what is not. But unless I try how I'll ever be able to check its validity. Then even simply trying will take me away from reality. then there are dream killers: who are afraid of any new idea/change. and most of the times these are the people who are in power, who are in control. They are really influential people and you can't ignore their advice. Oh, it all seems so complicated. to make the things worse, you have one more struggle, one more competition and that is with yourself: your own limitations, fears, short comings. You are further limited by weaknesses of being a human: we all want acceptance from our family members, our colleagues, our superiors and even juniors...... you have limited time: death is inevitable. and sometimes you take a long time to find out your real dreams. Something which will give you an "ever-lasting" happiness. Then how some people leave their footprints. They can leave a dent in the universe. Their contribution is hard to ignore. We all want to know about them. They were just like us: just human beings and limited by the same factors as we are. then what is that which make them so special. Some will argue that they were practical, they knew just intelligence and hard work is not enough. Others say that they were lucky enough and then some will try to prove that they were smart. But I feel it is all about "COURAGE", courage to believe that "YES, IT IS POSSIBLE, IT IS DOABLE".........................................Just look back in your life and I'm sure you will also realize that it is only courage which kept you moving..............................